Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Being close to nature is being close to God

Many believe God's spoken word is the Bible. It's not. The Bible reports what man said and like a game of telephone perhaps somethings may have gotten lost.

However, God Himself created the majesty of nature. It's beauty, splendor and its grace are a gift from God to us.

It's a gift that needs to be cherished and taken care of. We can add to Nature by doing wonderful things like feeding birds, picking up debris in parks, disposing of trash properly, being environmentally conscious....we can help stray animals because creatures are part of nature and so many need homes because they are unwanted and starving. Please don't buy a pet. ADOPT ONE!

Let's give back to the Earth in celebration of Gods gifts and give Him back some gifts too. How about celebrating your next special occassion by planting a tree?
Trees are living memorials to a loved one or some memorable occassion. They also help our environment.

There is so much we can do to celebrate this beautiful planet, EARTH, our home.
Let's not take its majesty for granted, Lets look around and help keep the earth thriving. It's the only home we have.

Thanks...please don't forget our four legged friends...make a donation, adopt a homeless pet and keep our planet as beautiful as God intended it to be.

God bless us all and especially the Earth. Please pray for PEACE. If you want to know about the power of prayer come to our website and read: SCIENCE HAS PROVEN PRAYER WORKS! We have the world's leading authority on the power of prayer...we have Hollywood's spiritual cinema and a BIG TIME movie producer who produced the Electric Horseman and the Goodbye Girl, etc and we have nice guy, Craig, of Craigslist fame and so much more.

We have lots of news to brighten your day and make your spirit soar. Next moth we are having an exhibit of famous Hollywood divas done by a NY'll smile when theses lovely ladies bring back the warm memories.

So if f you are tired of bad news...come and join the GREAT NEWS NEWSPAPER
on line for free. Meet us at:

It's a place for "like minds and kindred spirits; ordinary people living extraordinary lives changing the world one person at a time.

We are looking for writers, poets, authors, artists, etc who
believe that we can make a difference in keeping our world
beautiful by keeping ourselves close to the spirit within.
We have some great stories and a pet page. We want to promote
talent and we will for free. Our site is 37 pages and growing.


Irene A. Masiello


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